All in the Family

Philip’s father met Calcutta Mercy’s founders, Mark and Huldah Buntain, in 1969 and eager to make a difference, he helped them start two schools in the Puri and Konark villages. 

Philip was born six years later. The family had very little money – hardly enough to buy food and clothing. His father desired the best possible life for his children and decided to enroll Philip in Calcutta Mercy’s Home for Boys. 

Philip was the youngest of 47 boys living in the large residential facility. He received a primary and secondary school education and medical care through Mercy Hospital. Once a year his family would visit, and twice a year he returned home for vacations.

Philip completed his High School studies and attended Bible School where he earned a degree in Theology. He married his wife in 2005 and joined staff at Calcutta Mercy. Today, each of his eight siblings work on behalf of those in need. Philip serves as the lead chaplain at Mercy Hospital, overseeing a team of 11 people who minister at the general hospital and rural clinics.

Philip’s heart is for patients, their families, and hospital staff. He spends most days at patients’ bedsides and in waiting rooms, and holds morning devotions for over 100 people. Philip comments, “It is my great privilege to see patients’ lives changed at the hospital and clinics. This is my passion and my joy.”